1 day ago


Course videos can be watched only on one device and through the same app / browser through which registration has been done.

Please ensure following points (where applicable)

-Use the same browser / app to register and watch the course videos.

-For IOS devices, app would be live in a week, till then please use google chrome only to register and watch the video. Registration done through Safari would not work while watching the videos.

-If using an android device to watch the video, please use the updated app only and not the browser.

If using web, please use Google Chrome only to register and watch.


Device Registration for Video Lectures


We have enabled device registration to increase the security of the video lectures.

Please read the following points carefully :

  1. Going forward, you will be able to access video lectures on only one device.
  2. Choose the device carefully as changing it later will be time consuming and will require multiple verifications.
  3. Follow the next steps only on the device that you want to use for watching video lectures.
  4. Windows and MacOS Laptop Users
  1. Install Chrome Browser
  2. Open and visit any Course that you are part of.
  3. Play any video
  4. A popup will appear asking you to register your device.
  1.  Android Users (Mobile and Tablets)
  1. Install VajiramIAS App
  2. Visit any Course that you are part of.
  3. Play any video
  4. A popup will appear asking you to register your device.
  1. Iphone/ iPad Users
  1. We will release an App update in a few days, so for now you will have to watch the videos on a Web Browser.
  2. Please install Chrome Browser. Videos will not play on Safari Browsers.
  3. Open and visit any Course that you are part of.
  4. Play any video
  5. A popup will appear asking you to register your device.

1 week ago

Important Announcememt For PowerUp All India Mock Test 03 For Prelims 2024

Dear Students,

Vajiram and Ravi is conducting a UPSC Mock Test 3 for Prelims 2024 on 2nd June 2024. The test is available free of charge for both Online and Offline modes. To know more about the test & To Register kindly click on the following link ""

UPSC Prelims 2023 Qu