July 23, 2019

Odisha has renewed its effort to revive the population of gharials in their natural habitat by releasing five reptiles, fitted with radio transmitters, into the Satkosia gorge of Mahanadi — the southernmost limit of gharials’ home range in India.


  • Scientific name : Gavialis Gangeticu. 

  • Features: Compared to alligators and crocodiles, a gharial has a very long and narrow snout (instead of a broad snout). 

  • Habitat: They are a fresh-water crocodile. They live in deep fast-flowing rivers. 

  • Distribution: Globally Gharial is found only in India and Nepal. In India too, the major ‘breeding’ populations are confined to two rivers only: 
    • Girwa : The Girwa River originates in Nepal and runs through Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary. 

    • Chambal : Chambal supports the largest population of Gharials in the wild. 

  • IUCN Conversation status : critically endangered. 

  • Significance in Hindu Culture: To some, it is the vahana or vehicle of the River Goddess Ma Ganga, while others revere it as the vahana of varuna, the god of water. 

Source : The Hindu