AI agents
May 25, 2024

Why in news? OpenAI's GPT-4o and Google's Project Astra are new AI models that can process real-world audio and visual inputs for intelligent, real-time conversations.  These "AI agents" are more advanced than traditional voice assistants like Alexa and Siri, marking a shift from chatbots to interactive AI agents.

What’s in today’s article?

  • AI Agents
  • LLM
  • LLM Vs AI Agents

AI Agents

  • About
    • AI agents are advanced systems capable of real-time interactions using text, voice, and images.
    • Unlike traditional models that only handle text, AI agents can process diverse inputs from their surroundings and respond accordingly.
    • AI agents are nimble when it comes to adapting to new situations. This facet makes them incredibly versatile and capable of handling a wide range of situations.
  • Working
    • AI agents perceive their environment via sensors, then process the information using algorithms or AI models, and subsequently, take actions.
    • Currently, they are used in fields such as gaming, robotics, virtual assistants, autonomous vehicles, etc.
  • Potential uses of AI agents
    • Intelligent Assistants
      • AI agents can serve as intelligent and highly capable assistants, handling tasks like offering personalized recommendations and scheduling appointments.
      • They are ideal for customer service due to their ability to offer seamless, natural interactions and resolve queries instantly without human intervention.
    • Education and Training
      • AI agents can act as personal tutors, customizing themselves based on a student’s learning style and offering tailored instructions.
    • Healthcare Support
      • AI agents can assist medical professionals by providing real-time analysis, diagnostic support, and patient monitoring.
  • Risks and challenges
    • Privacy and security are a key area of concern as AI agents gain access to more personal data and environmental information.
    • Just like any AI model, AI agents can carry forward biases from their training data or algorithms, leading to harmful outcomes.

Large Language Models (LLMs)

  • LLMs use deep learning techniques to process large amounts of text.
  • They work by processing vast amounts of text, understanding the structure and meaning, and learning from it.
  • LLMs are trained to identify meanings and relationships between words.
  • The greater the amount of training data a model is fed, the smarter it gets at understanding and producing text.
    • The training data is usually large datasets, such as Wikipedia, OpenWebText, and the Common Crawl Corpus.

LLMs Vs. AI Agents

  • Enhanced Interactions
    • While LLMs like GPT-3 and GPT-4 generate human-like text, AI agents enhance interactions using voice, vision, and environmental sensors, making them more natural and immersive.
  • Real-Time Conversations
    • Unlike LLMs, AI agents are designed for instantaneous, real-time conversations with responses much similar to humans.
  • Contextual Understanding
    • AI agents understand and learn from the context of interactions, providing more relevant and personalized responses compared to LLMs.
  • Autonomous Capabilities
    • Unlike LLMs, AI agents can perform complex tasks autonomously, such as coding and data analysis.
    • When integrated with robotic systems, they can even perform physical actions.