Chabahar’s Opportunities and Challenges
May 28, 2024


  • The recent renewal of the contract between India and Iran, allowing New Delhi to invest in and operate the Shahid-Beheshti terminal at Chabahar Port for another decade, highlights the strategic and economic importance of this project.
  • This agreement comes at a tumultuous time in West Asia, marked by ongoing conflict in Gaza, heightened Israel-Iran tensions, and a destabilizing helicopter crash that killed Iran’s President and Foreign Minister.
  • Despite these challenges, the Chabahar project remains a pivotal element anchoring the economic relations between India and Iran.

Strategic Significance of Chabahar for India

  • Economic Connectivity and Trade Facilitation
    • The Chabahar Port serves as a pivotal point in the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC), a multi-modal network aiming to connect India with Central Asia, Russia, and beyond.
    • By offering a direct sea-land route that bypasses Pakistan, Chabahar significantly reduces the transportation time and costs for Indian goods destined for these regions.
    • This enhanced connectivity facilitates increased trade, economic integration, and access to new markets, boosting India's export potential and economic growth.
  • Geopolitical Leverage and Strategic Autonomy
    • For India, Chabahar is a strategic tool to assert its influence in the region and reduce its dependency on Pakistani routes, which are fraught with geopolitical tensions.
    • By investing in Chabahar, India secures a strategic foothold in Iran, a country with significant influence in West Asia and Central Asia.
    • This port allows India to project power and maintain a strategic presence in a region where China, through its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and Pakistan are also vying for influence.
    • This strategic autonomy is crucial for India’s foreign policy, allowing it to navigate complex regional dynamics independently.
  • Regional Security and Stability
    • Chabahar Port also plays a critical role in India's approach to regional security and stability, particularly concerning Afghanistan.
    • With the Taliban's endorsement and financial commitment to Chabahar, the port emerges as a key transit point for humanitarian aid and economic goods to Afghanistan, thereby stabilising a region plagued by conflict.
    • By fostering economic development and providing alternatives to Pakistani ports, Chabahar helps mitigate the risk of economic isolation for Afghanistan, contributing to regional stability.
  • Counterbalancing Chinese Influence
    • Chabahar is strategically positioned to counterbalance Chinese influence in the region, particularly with respect to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and the Gwadar Port.
    • While China’s Gwadar is geographically close to Chabahar, the Indian port offers an alternative route that is crucial for diversifying regional supply chains.
    • By strengthening Chabahar, India not only mitigates the strategic risks posed by Chinese dominance in regional infrastructure but also provides a viable alternative for international trade routes that seek to avoid Chinese-controlled pathways.
  • Diplomatic Engagement and Multilateralism
    • Chabahar Port exemplifies India's commitment to diplomatic engagement and multilateralism.
    • Through this project, India demonstrates its ability to collaborate with diverse international partners, including Iran, Afghanistan, and Central Asian countries, developing a cooperative regional environment.
    • The port also aligns with broader international efforts to enhance connectivity and economic integration across Eurasia, positioning India as a central player in regional development initiatives.
  • Energy Security
    • Given Iran's vast energy resources, Chabahar Port also holds potential for enhancing India's energy security.
    • By providing a strategic entry point for Iranian oil and gas, the port can facilitate energy imports, diversify India's energy sources, and reduce dependency on any single country or route.
    • This diversification is crucial for ensuring a stable and resilient energy supply, critical for India's growing economy.

Challenges Surrounding Chabahar Port and India-Iran Relations

  • Sanctions and International Pressure
    • The imposition of international sanctions on Iran, particularly by the United States, has significantly impacted India-Iran economic relations.
    • Projects like the Farzad-B gas field and the Irano Hind Shipping Company suffered directly due to sanctions.
    • Even the Chabahar Port project has had to navigate the complexities of U.S. sanctions, requiring India to obtain periodic exemptions to continue its development.
  • Geopolitical Alignments
    • India’s geopolitical alignments, especially its strategic partnership with the United States, sometimes clash with its engagements with Iran.
    • For instance, during the Obama administration, India reduced its oil imports from Iran to align with U.S. policies on Tehran’s nuclear program.
    • This decision affected bilateral trade relations and reduced Iran's position as one of India's top oil suppliers.
  • Competing Regional Interests
    • Both countries have regional interests that sometimes diverge.
    • While Iran seeks to maintain its influence in West Asia and strengthen its ties with countries like China and Russia, India’s regional focus includes countering China’s Belt and Road Initiative and securing its interests in Afghanistan.
    • These differing priorities can lead to friction and limit the scope of bilateral cooperation. 

Recommendations for Future Engagement

  • Diversifying Economic Cooperation
    • While the Chabahar Port is a critical element of India-Iran relations, it should not be the sole focus.
    • Both countries should identify and invest in other sectors such as energy, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, and technology.
    • Reviving stalled projects like the Farzad-B gas field or initiating new joint ventures can help diversify economic ties.
    • Establishing a more robust trade framework can enhance bilateral commerce.
    • This could involve reducing tariffs, simplifying customs procedures, and creating incentives for businesses to invest in each other's countries.
  • Enhancing Diplomatic Engagement
    • Regular high-level visits and dialogues can help address misunderstandings, align strategic interests, and foster a deeper mutual understanding.
    • Such engagements should be institutionalised, ensuring continuous and structured communication.
    • Both countries should leverage their participation in multilateral forums like the United Nations, the Non-Aligned Movement, and regional organizations to coordinate their positions on global issues.
    • Joint initiatives in these forums can enhance their diplomatic leverage and foster closer ties.
  • Balancing Geopolitical Alignments
    • India must adeptly balance its strategic partnership with the United States while engaging with Iran.
    • This requires clear communication with the U.S. regarding the strategic importance of Chabahar and other bilateral projects with Iran.
    • Diplomatic efforts should focus on securing exemptions from sanctions that hinder critical projects.
    • Strengthening ties with other regional players can also bolster India-Iran relations.
    • This includes deepening cooperation with Afghanistan, Central Asian countries, and Russia.
    • Collaborative projects that include these countries can create a network of interdependencies, enhancing regional stability and economic integration.


  • The Chabahar port project encapsulates the multifaceted nature of India-Iran relations, blending economic interests with strategic imperatives.
  • As both nations navigate their geopolitical landscapes, Chabahar stands out as a testament to their enduring yet evolving partnership.
  • Balancing this legacy project with broader economic cooperation and nuanced diplomacy will be crucial in sustaining and enhancing India-Iran ties in the future.