China's Grey-Zone Warfare Tactics Against Taiwan
June 14, 2024

Why in news? China has adopted sophisticated grey-zone warfare tactics against Taiwan following the inauguration of new Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te, who has made pro-independence and secessionist statements.

What’s in today’s article?

  • Grey-Zone Warfare
  • China's Grey-Zone Warfare Tactics Against Taiwan

Grey zone warfare

  • About
    • Grey zone warfare generally means a middle, unclear space that exists between direct conflict and peace in international relations.
    • Multitude of activities fall into this zone — from nefarious economic activities, influence operations, and cyberattacks to mercenary operations, assassinations, and disinformation campaigns.
    • Other experts include economic actions too, such as debt traps and economic sanctions.
  • Features
    • Activities in the grey zone have always been a feature of great-power competition.
    • Proxy wars, destabilizing insurgencies, legal warfare (lawfare), and information warfare—by adversaries and allies alike—have been a feature of this conflict.
    • Experts claim that such methods are often employed by parties who have not had access to massive resources or power, traditionally. Therefore, such tactics can help gain an advantage over a more technically well-equipped adversary that is more used to conventional warfare.
  • Origin
    • Experts believe the Cold War era, which began after the end of the Second World War in 1945, led to conditions that favoured grey zone warfare.
    • Amid the US-USSR rivalry for ideological and economic dominance, the knowledge that both parties were armed with nuclear weapons meant direct conflicts had to be restrained.
    • In today's nuclear age, the price of traditional wars has become too high, and the danger of things getting worse is very serious.
    • Because of this, countries are trying to achieve their goals by being aggressive in secret or by hiding.

Examples of grey zone warfare

  • Experts from the US and Europe have characterised certain Russian and Chinese actions of late as examples of grey zone warfare.
  • It includes the Chinese military’s presence in the South China Sea.
    • The Philippines is one of the countries which has challenged China’s claims, extending over around 80 per cent of the region.
    • In December 2023, it termed the presence of more than 135 Chinese maritime militia vessels near a disputed reef as illegal.
    • It accused China of firing water cannons at its boats and ramming into others, while the Chinese coast guard blamed the Philippines for hitting Chinese boats.
  • A recent Reuters report mentioned that Taiwan has been expressing concerns for the past four years about increased military actions by China.
    • This includes Chinese fighter jets flying over the strait regularly.
    • It is part of China's strategy to pressure Taiwan with activities that fall just short of starting a full-scale conflict.
  • Analysts claim that the US has also engaged in similar tactics.
    • These include its economic sanctions against China and imposition of duties on Chinese imports to the US, along with maritime reconnaissance.

Grey zone warfare - a separate category of action

  • The challenges that grey zone warfare poses differ from those of an open conflict.
    • Here, action is often covert or indirect, meaning a country’s response needs to be appropriate in terms of its scale.
    • These actions could be designed to bait the other party into escalation.
    • If this happens, the use of force would then be legitimised as a form of self-defence or response in kind to what the other party does.
  • Other reasons for engaging in such tactics include the projection of strength, and to normalise disputed territorial claims by repeatedly marking a presence in those regions.
  • Judging by its appearance, grey zone conflict seems mild when compared to traditional strategic competition.
  • However, the limited intensity does not make grey zone conflict less vicious.
  • Rather than escalate in one-dimension, grey zone conflict tends to escalate in multiple dimensions and leads to unintended over-escalation, creating a nightmare for crisis management.

China's Grey-Zone Warfare Tactics Against Taiwan

  • New Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te's tenure is marked by pro-independence and secessionist statements. As a result, China has shifted to sophisticated grey-zone warfare tactics targeting Lai’s Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).
  • Tactics employed by China
    • These tactics include psychological operations, simulated invasion scenarios, and economic measures aimed at weakening Taiwan without direct military engagement.
    • The PLA Eastern Theater Command conducts training drills to demonstrate combat readiness, while 3D animations and videos depict potential missile strikes.
    • China also employs cognitive tactics, such as disseminating propaganda videos and fliers within Taiwanese territories to influence public opinion and create ideological divisions.
    • Economically, China has suspended preferential tax rates for Taiwanese chemical imports to leverage economic interdependence for political concessions.
  • These measures continuously pressure and destabilize Taiwan, challenging President Lai’s administration to navigate and counter these grey-zone tactics effectively.