Climate Resilient Agriculture
July 5, 2024

Why in the News?

The Union government plans to unveil a framework to promote climate-resilient agriculture in 50,000 villages located in climatically-vulnerable districts.

What’s in Today’s Article?

  • About Climate Resilient Agriculture (Basics, Features, Benefits, Challenges, etc.)
  • ICAR’s Climate Smart Agriculture Program
  • News Summary

About Climate Resilient Agriculture:

  • Climate Resilient Agriculture (CRA) refers to farming practices and strategies designed to withstand and adapt to the changing climate.
  • In India, where agriculture is a major part of the economy and livelihood for millions, CRA is essential to ensure food security, economic stability, and sustainable development.
  • There are 11 National Missions as part of the Union Government’s National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC).
  • National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture is one of them.

Key Components / Features of CRA:

  • Diversified Cropping Systems:
    • Mixed Cropping: Growing multiple crops on the same land to reduce the risk of crop failure due to extreme weather.
    • Crop Rotation: Changing the type of crop grown in a particular field each season to improve soil health and reduce pests.
  • Improved Water Management:
    • Rainwater Harvesting: Collecting and storing rainwater for use during dry periods.
    • Efficient Irrigation: Using methods like drip irrigation to minimize water wastage and ensure crops get the right amount of water.
  • Soil Health Enhancement:
    • Organic Farming: Using natural fertilizers and pesticides to maintain soil fertility and health.
    • Conservation Tillage: Minimizing soil disturbance to maintain soil structure and reduce erosion.
  • Adoption of Stress-Tolerant Crop Varieties:
    • Developing and planting crop varieties that can withstand drought, floods, and other climate extremes.
  • Agroforestry:
    • Integrating trees and shrubs into farming systems to protect crops, enhance biodiversity, and improve soil and water quality.
  • Weather and Climate Services:
    • Providing farmers with accurate weather forecasts and climate information to help them plan their activities better and reduce risks.
  • Risk Management and Insurance:
    • Offering crop insurance schemes to protect farmers against losses due to extreme weather events.

Benefits of CRA:

  • Increased Productivity: By using resilient practices, farmers can maintain or even increase their crop yields despite adverse weather conditions.
  • Enhanced Livelihoods: Stable agricultural production ensures a consistent income for farmers and reduces poverty.
  • Environmental Sustainability: CRA practices promote the sustainable use of natural resources, ensuring long-term agricultural productivity.
  • Food Security: With reliable agricultural output, the availability of food is more secure, benefiting the entire population.

Challenges & Solutions:

  • Awareness and Education: Educating farmers about CRA practices is crucial. Extension services and farmer training programs can bridge this gap.
  • Access to Resources: Ensuring farmers have access to resilient crop varieties, efficient irrigation systems, and other necessary inputs.
  • Policy Support: Government policies and programs that support CRA initiatives, provide subsidies, and facilitate research and development in climate-resilient technologies.

ICAR’s Climate Smart Agriculture Program:

  • The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is running a research program called the "Consortium for Scaling-Up Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) in South Asia (C-SUCSeS)." This program aims to:
    • Increase agricultural production and productivity in a sustainable way.
    • Improve food security, nutrition, and income in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) region.
  • The program also brings together agricultural research centers and extension agencies in the SAARC region to develop and share knowledge about climate-smart technologies and best practices.
  • South Asian governments have agreed to explore the idea of a regional seed bank, regional testing and certification of seeds, and a framework for sharing plant genetic material and seeds.
  • India collaborates with both SAARC and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). To help SAARC countries develop their skills, ICAR and SAARC organize regional training programs together.
  • The government has committed to increasing investment, promoting research and development, facilitating technical cooperation, and applying innovative and reliable technologies in agriculture.
  • These efforts aim to boost productivity and ensure food and nutritional security in the South Asian region.

Climate-resilient agriculture in 50,000 villages:

  • The Union government plans to unveil a framework to promote climate-resilient agriculture in 50,000 villages located in climatically-vulnerable districts.
  • Officials will select 50,000 villages from 310 districts that have already been identified as climatically-vulnerable. These 310 districts are spread across 27 states, with Uttar Pradesh accounting for the most districts (48), followed by Rajasthan (27).
  • The initiative is part of a national programme on climate-resilient agriculture, which the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare plans to launch as part of a 100-day agenda.
  • The Indian Council of Agricultural Research has developed more than 2,000 such varieties for improving food production.