Collapse of Trust in Examination System Amounts to a Collapse in Trust in System as a Whole
June 25, 2024


  • The recent NEET exam scandal has emerged as a massive breach of trust, reflecting a deep-seated systemic rot within India's examination system.
  • While instances of cheating and corruption are not unprecedented in high-stakes examinations worldwide, the scale of this scandal signals a pervasive issue that extends beyond mere episodic lapses.
  • This widespread corruption has prompted the National Testing Agency (NTA) to cancel other exams pre-emptively, highlighting the gravity of the situation and its potential ramifications for India's democratic and institutional governance.

Immediate Concerns and Systematic Failures Surrounding NEET

  • Retests and Academic Disruptions
    • The primary concern is whether to conduct retests for the affected students.
    • With the scandal disrupting the exam schedule, there is a significant burden on students who must now prepare again under heightened stress and uncertainty.
    • Organising retests is logistically challenging and costly, requiring coordination among various educational institutions, examination bodies, and government agencies.
    • Moreover, retests can cause further delays in the academic calendar, affecting admissions and the commencement of classes, thereby exacerbating the uncertainty for students.
  • Widespread Corruption and Mismanagement
    • The scandal highlights systemic corruption and mismanagement within the examination system.
    • The widespread nature of the paper leaks indicates a deep-rooted network of malpractice that cannot be attributed to isolated incidents.
    • This systemic corruption points to failures in governance, oversight, and accountability within the bodies responsible for conducting these exams.
  • Psychological and Financial Stress on Students
    • The scandal has placed nearly three million students under immense psychological pressure.
    • The uncertainty and stress of preparing for retests, coupled with the fear of another potential breach, take a significant toll on students' mental health.
    • The financial strain on families, who often invest considerable resources into exam preparation, is also considerable.
  • Erosion of Trust in the Examination System
    • The examination system in India is a cornerstone of educational and social mobility.
    • The scandal has severely eroded trust in this system, raising concerns about the fairness and integrity of the entire process.
    • This erosion of trust can have far-reaching consequences, including decreased public confidence in educational institutions and the broader governance framework.

Required Steps to Address the Immediate Concerns and Systematic Failures

  • Compensation and Support for Students
    • Students who have been preparing for these exams often do so at great personal and financial cost.
    • Many travel long distances and endure inhospitable conditions to take these exams.
    • The scandal has invalidated their efforts, and there is a pressing need to address how these students can be compensated or supported.
    • This includes providing financial assistance, mental health support, and ensuring that their academic progress is not unduly hampered by the disruptions.
  • Safeguards for Future Examinations
    • The scandal underscores the need for robust safeguards to prevent future breaches.
    • This involves overhauling the security protocols around exam papers, enhancing the vetting processes for personnel involved in exam administration, and leveraging technology to create more secure and tamper-proof systems.
    • The implementation of biometric verification, blockchain technology for tracking exam papers, and AI-driven surveillance during exams could be considered to enhance the integrity of the examination process.
  • Institutional Adaptation
    • Educational institutions must adapt to the changes in the examination calendar.
    • This includes adjusting the academic schedule, ensuring that admissions processes are not unduly delayed, and providing clear communication to students and parents about the new timelines.
    • Institutions must also be prepared to support students through this transition, offering additional resources and guidance to help them navigate the uncertainties.

The Role of Exams in Indian Society, Coaching Industry and Exam Mania

  • A Crucial Signal of Procedural Justice
    • Exams offer a legitimating device for students who secure their positions through rigorous competition, symbolizing their earned place in society.
    • Furthermore, exams are one of the few available means of social mobility for many young Indians.
    • The success stories of students who overcome social and financial obstacles, although not as widespread as they should be, reinforce the myth of fairness and meritocracy.
  • Overemphasis on Exams Rather than Holistic Development
    • The exam system's importance is further underscored by the phenomenon of commensuration, it provides a common scale to measure students' capabilities.
    • Despite criticisms from educators about the overemphasis on exams rather than holistic learning, exams remain deeply ingrained in the educational ideology of filial obligation.
    • Parents strive to create optimal conditions for their children's exam preparation, while students demonstrate their dedication through rigorous study.
  • Coaching Industry and Exam Mania
    • India's coaching industry plays a significant role in this context.
    • It emerges as a necessary consequence of highly competitive stakes, with coaching sometimes providing more effective preparation than regular educational institutions.
    • However, the reliance on coaching underscores the deficiencies of the formal education system, leading to a situation where failure can have devastating consequences.
    • The intense focus on exams results in immense effort and single-minded dedication, yet the probability of success remains low, setting many up for disheartening failures.

Centralised Exam Mechanism, Its Impact and Consequences

  • Political Control and Ideological Influence
    • Centralised exams have become a tool for political control over the education system.
    • By centralising the examination process, the government can exert significant influence over educational outcomes and policies.
    • This control can be used to propagate specific ideological perspectives and ensure that the educational narrative aligns with the ruling party's agenda.
  • Economic Interests and the Coaching Industry
    • The centralised exam system has given rise to a lucrative coaching industry. This industry thrives on the high stakes associated with these exams, offering specialised training and resources to help students succeed.
    • The economic benefits of this industry create a symbiotic relationship between policymakers and coaching businesses.
    • Politicians and influential figures often have vested interests in these coaching centres, either through direct ownership or political patronage.
  • Conflict between Federalism and Centralisation
    • The move towards centralised exams has significant implications for India's federal structure.
    • Education in India is a concurrent subject, meaning it falls under the jurisdiction of both the central and state governments.
    • However, the centralisation of exams like NEET and CUET represents a shift in power from the states to the central government.
    • This shift undermines the autonomy of state educational boards and institutions, leading to tensions and resistance from states that wish to maintain control over their educational systems.
    • For example, Tamil Nadu has consistently opposed NEET on the grounds that it undermines the state's unique educational context and priorities.


  • The NEET exam scandal underscores the fragility of trust in India's examination system and, by extension, its governance, and democratic institutions.
  • The scandal has exposed deep systemic issues and highlighted the urgent need for reforms to restore confidence in the fairness and integrity of the exam system.
  • Moving forward, ensuring a balanced and transparent examination system is crucial for maintaining the legitimacy and functionality of India's democratic and institutional frameworks.