Haritha Karma Sena (HKS)
April 27, 2024

Why in News? Waste management in Kerala is a model for other States and the functioning of Haritha Karma Sena is exceptional.

What is Haritha Karma Sena (HKS)? HKS is a professional team consisting of Green Technicians and Green Supervisors, mainly Kudumbashree Women. They are assigned with the responsibility of collection, transportation, processing, recycling/disposal and management of waste materials in association with respective Local Self-Governments. It was launched in 2013 by the Government of Kerala as a part of the Haritha Keralam Mission.

What is the Haritha Keralam Mission? It is a comprehensive program to make Kerala a clean and green state. It aims to make Kerala a garbage-free state, promote sustainable waste management practices, create employment opportunities in the waste management sector and raise awareness.

What is the Success Story of the HKS? The 35,500 members of the HKS have been involved in a tireless effort to change people’s approach to handling household waste. Waste collection and segregation have now emerged as a respectable paying job. The shift from centralised waste treatment to decentralised management underscores a community-driven approach to sustainability. Kudumbashree's role in empowering women and the government's focus on awareness and training are key to sustaining these efforts.

What More Needs to be Done? Future plans aim to enhance segregation methods, encourage diversification, and expand infrastructure for waste storage, reflecting a holistic approach to waste management and economic development.

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