Israel and Lebanon reach an agreement on maritime border
Oct. 12, 2022

In News:

  • Israel has announced a historic deal with Lebanon, aimed at resolving a long-running maritime border dispute over Mediterranean waters.
  • Israel and Lebanon do not have official diplomatic relations and the two countries remain technically at war.

What’s in Today’s Article:

  • News Summary

News Summary

  • Lebanon and Israel have reached a historic deal, brokered by USA, to end a long-running maritime border dispute in the gas-rich Mediterranean Sea.
  • A signing date for the deal has not been set yet.

Maritime dispute between Israel and Lebanon

  • The two countries declared overlapping boundaries in 2011 in the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Since both countries have been technically at war, the United Nations was asked to mediate.
  • The issue gained significance after Israel discovered two gas fields off its coast a decade ago, which experts had believed could help turn it into an energy exporter.

Key highlights of the agreement

  • The draft agreement aims to settle Israel and Lebanon’s competing claims over offshore gas fields in the region.
  • Sets maritime boundary
    • The agreement sets a border between the maritime waters of Lebanon and Israel for the first time.
    • Lebanon recognised Israel's existing control of a 3-mile-wide stretch of water closest to their shared coast.
    • Israel allowed Lebanon the right to drill in a previously contested gas field that stretches between the Israeli and Lebanese economic zones.
  • Division of gas fields
    • A major source of friction was the Karish gas field, which Israel insisted fell entirely within its waters and was not a subject of negotiation.
    • The agreement has not been made public but under terms leaked to the press all of the Karish field would fall under Israeli control.
    • On the other hand, Lebanon will get its full rights from the Qana field, and Israel might receive share of future revenues.


  • The agreement is also expected to avert the immediate threat of conflict between Israel and Hezbollah militants in Lebanon.
  • The agreement will create new sources of energy and income for both countries, particularly important for Lebanon, which is facing a crippling energy and financial crises.
  • It could also have a potentially wider impact: it would likely provide Europe with a potential new source of gas amid energy shortages caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Land border dispute not covered under the agreement

  • The agreement does not touch on the shared land border between Israel and Lebanon.
    • Land border between the two countries is still disputed. However, both countries have committed to a ceasefire.
    • This border is also called the Blue Line, a boundary that was drawn up by the UN after Israel withdrew from southern Lebanon in 2000.
  • This land border is currently patrolled by the United Nations forces.

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