J&K Terror Attack: Dealing with Pakistan Without Playing Tit-for-Tat
July 10, 2024


  • In recent days, Jammu and Kashmir have witnessed a tragic escalation in violence, with seven security personnel losing their lives to terrorism.
  • This resurgence of terror, closely following a series of four attacks in June, underscores the persistent and unresolved issue of Pakistan-sponsored terrorism in the region.
  • Despite various peace initiatives and a decade of aggressive strategies, India's efforts to eradicate this menace remain unfulfilled.

The Reality of Pakistan Sponsored Terrorism in Jammu & Kashmir

  • Historical Context
    • The conflict over Jammu and Kashmir dates to the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947.
    • Pakistan has consistently questioned the legitimacy of Jammu and Kashmir's accession to India, and this dispute has been a central element of its foreign and domestic policy.
    • Over the decades, Pakistan has supported various militant groups to wage a proxy war against India, aiming to destabilise the region and internationalize the Kashmir issue.
  • Persistent Support for Terrorism
    • Despite facing significant internal challenges and international scrutiny, Pakistan's support for terrorism has remained steadfast.
    • The Pakistani state has been known to provide training, funding, and logistical support to terrorist organisations operating in Jammu and Kashmir.
    • Groups such as Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) and Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) have carried out numerous attacks with the backing of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).
    • These groups not only receive material support but also benefit from the strategic depth and safe havens provided within Pakistan's borders.
  • The Strategic Objective
    • Pakistan's strategic objective in supporting terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir is
    • Firstly, it aims to keep the Kashmir issue alive internationally, drawing attention to what it frames as an unresolved territorial dispute.
    • Secondly, by fomenting unrest, Pakistan seeks to weaken India's control over the region, thereby attempting to force India into negotiations under terms favourable to Pakistan.

The Challenge of Reducing Tensions between India and Pakistan

  • Historical Animosities and Distrust
    • The long-standing animosity between India and Pakistan dates to the partition in 1947, which led to violent conflicts and mass migrations.
    • This historical backdrop has developed deep-seated distrust and hostility, manifesting in multiple wars and skirmishes over the decades, most notably over the contested region of Jammu and Kashmir.
    • Each nation views the other’s intentions with suspicion, making genuine dialogue and reconciliation exceedingly difficult.
  • Political Constraints and Public Sentiment
    • In India, the slogan terror and talks cannot go together has resonated deeply with the public, especially in light of repeated terror attacks attributed to Pakistani-backed groups.
    • This sentiment restricts the Indian government’s ability to engage in dialogue without appearing to compromise on national security or public anger.
    • In Pakistan, political instability and polarisation further complicate the situation.
    • The former Prime Minister Imran Khan's government, for instance, adopted a hardline stance following India's revocation of Jammu and Kashmir's special status in 2019.
    • Khan's call for India to reverse this move as a precondition for dialogue has created a diplomatic deadlock.
  • The Role of the Military and Strategic Calculations
    • The Pakistani military plays a crucial role in shaping the country's policy towards India.
    • Historically, the military has maintained an adversarial posture, viewing India as a primary threat.
    • This perspective influences Pakistan’s support for non-state actors as strategic assets to counterbalance India’s conventional military superiority.
  • Economic and Trade Dynamics
    • Trade between India and Pakistan has the potential to build mutual dependencies and foster better relations.
    • However, following the revocation of Article 370, Pakistan suspended trade with India, exacerbating economic difficulties.
    • The pressure from Pakistani industries to resume trade highlights the potential benefits, but political and military considerations have so far outweighed economic incentives.
  • External Influences and Geopolitical Factors
    • The growing China-Pakistan economic and military partnership adds another layer of complexity.
    • China’s strategic interests in the region, particularly through the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), influence Pakistan’s policies towards India.
    • Conversely, India’s closer ties with the United States and other Western countries impact its approach towards Pakistan.

Ways Ahead to Address the Persistent Threat of Pakistan-Sponsored Terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir

  • Enhanced Security Infrastructure
    • Strengthening the security infrastructure in Jammu and Kashmir is paramount.
    • This includes improving intelligence-gathering capabilities, modernising equipment, and increasing the presence of well-trained security forces.
    • Utilising advanced technology such as drones, surveillance systems, and cyber intelligence can provide a strategic advantage in pre-empting and thwarting terrorist activities.
  • Community Engagement
    • Building trust with the local population is critical. Effective counter-terrorism strategies must involve community engagement programs that encourage cooperation with security forces.
    • Providing avenues for local employment, improving infrastructure, and ensuring access to education and healthcare can reduce the appeal of militancy and create a more stable environment.
  • Targeted Operations
    • Conducting targeted operations against known terrorist operatives and their networks is crucial.
    • These operations must be precise to minimize collateral damage and avoid alienating the local population.
    • Special forces and counter-insurgency units should be employed to carry out these missions with surgical precision.
  • Bilateral Dialogue
    • Despite the challenges, sustained diplomatic efforts to engage Pakistan in dialogue are necessary.
    • This involves both formal and informal channels, where confidence-building measures can be explored.
    • Addressing Pakistan's security concerns and economic interests may provide a foundation for reducing hostilities and fostering cooperation.
  • Leveraging International Forums
    • Utilising international forums such as the United Nations, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), and other multilateral organisations can help exert pressure on Pakistan to curb its support for terrorism.
    • Diplomatic efforts should aim to highlight Pakistan's involvement in cross-border terrorism and seek international support for India's counter-terrorism initiatives.
  • Regional Cooperation
    • Engaging with neighbouring countries and regional powers such as China, Afghanistan, and Iran can help isolate the sources of terrorism.
    • Regional cooperation mechanisms can be established to enhance intelligence sharing, coordinate counter-terrorism operations, and address the broader security dynamics in South Asia.
  • Track-II Diplomacy
    • Encouraging back-channel or Track-II diplomacy involving former diplomats, military officers, and influential civil society members from both countries can help create a conducive environment for official dialogue.
    • These informal interactions can address sensitive issues, build mutual understanding, and lay the groundwork for formal negotiations.


  • Pakistan's involvement in terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir is a deeply entrenched policy shaped by historical, political, and strategic factors.
  • Despite facing international pressure and internal challenges, Pakistan has not fundamentally altered its support for militant groups.
  • This reality underscores the complexity of the issue and the need for a multifaceted approach that includes both robust security measures and sustained diplomatic efforts to address the root causes of the conflict and achieve long-term stability in the region.