Let Mullaperiyar supervisory panel continue for a year while authority under Dam Safety Act takes form: Centre to SC
April 6, 2022

The News:

  • The Centre has suggested to the Supreme Court to let the Mullaperiyar dam supervisory committee continue for an year.

  • By this time the National Dam Safety Authority under the new Dam Safety Act will become fully functional.


What’s in today’s article:

  • About Mullaperiyar Dam Issue, Situation after independence and dispute

  • News Summary and background- Supreme Court’s Judgements, Suggestions made by Centre

  • Dam Safety Act and Mullaperiyar dam

  • Linkages between Dam Safety Act and the Mullaperiyar dam

  • Extra Info: Provisions for the distribution of water in Indian Constitution


In Focus: Mullaperiyar Dam Issue

  • The dam is situated at the confluence of the Mullayar and Periyar rivers.
    • The dam is located entirely in Kerala.

  • It was built in the late 1800s in the princely state of Travancore (present-day Kerala) and given to British-ruled Madras Presidency on a 999-year lease in 1886.
    • The agreement granted full rights to the Tamil Naduto construct irrigation projects on the land.

  • The dam was built to divert eastwards a part of the west-flowing Periyar river, to feed the arid areas of Tamil Nadu.


Situation after Independence

  • After the independence, the Kerala government said that the earlier agreement signed between British Raj and Travancore was invalid and needed to be renewed.

  • As a result, the agreement was renewed in the 1970s.
    • Tamil Nadu was given rights to the land and the water from the dam as well as the authority to develop hydro-power projects at the site.

    • Kerala received rent in return.


Origin of the dispute:

  • Safety concerns surfaced in 1979 after it was reported in the Kerala that a minor earthquake had caused cracks in the dam.

  • The Central Water Commission was asked to examine the structure and suggest ways to strengthen it.
    • As an emergency measure, the commission recommended that the level of water stored in the reservoir be lowered to 136 feet from about 142 feet.

    • It held that the water level could be raised to the dam’s full capacity of 152 feet after the structure was strengthened.

  • This caused two divergent perspectives leading to the emergence of dispute between these two states:
    • Tamil Nadu claims that though it has undertaken periodic repairs on the dam, the Kerala government has not allowed it to raise the water level.

    • Kerala, on the other hand, contends it is not safe to raise the water level as Idukki district, where the dam is located, is earthquake-prone.


News Summary and background

Supreme Court’s Judgement

  • In 2006, the Supreme Court allowed the Tamil Nadu government to raise the water level to 142 feet, contending that the apprehensions raised by Kerala were baseless.
    • The Kerala government countered this with an amendment to the 2003 Kerala Irrigation and Water Conservation Act.

    • The amendment classified the Mullaperiyar dam as endangered and restricted the level of water in it to 136 feet.
      • This amendment was declared unconstitutional by the SC in 2014.

    • In 2014, SC said that Kerala could not obstruct Tamil Nadu from raising the water level to 142 feet.

    • To allay Kerala’s concerns, it directed that a three-member supervisory committee be set up to:
      • Oversee the process of raising the water level

      • Inspect the dam routinely

      • Look into the safety concerns

    • The SC had mooted the idea of extending the powers of its supervisory committee to take over charge of the safety and maintenance of the structure.

    • In response to the court’s suggestion, Centre showed the court an alternative in the 2021 Dam Safety Act.

    • Earlier, the Supreme Court had observed that the 2021 Dam Safety Act provided for everything, other than how to settle political scores, to resolve inter-State disputes over dams.


Suggestions made by Centre

  • To let the Mullaperiyar dam supervisory committee continue for a year.

  • The Chief Secretaries of Tamil Nadu and Kerala be made accountable.
    • This is to ensure that the decisions of the supervisory committee on the maintenance and safety of the dam are duly complied with by the two States.

  • Once the National Dam Safety Authority is fully functional, the functions of the supervisory committee would be taken over by the authority.
    • The committee could be dissolved thereafter.


Dam Safety Act and Mullaperiyar dam

About the act

  • The act is aimed at addressing the long-felt need for addressing issues concerning the safety of major dams all over the country.
    • The act came into force in December 2021.

  • It provides for surveillance, inspection, operation, and maintenance of certain dams for prevention of disasters related to dam failure.

  • It also creates institutional mechanisms to ensure their safe functioning.

Key provisions of the act:

  • The Act covers those dams having a height of over 15m and between 10m and 15m with certain stipulations.

  • It seeks to create two national institutions—
    • National Committee on Dam Safety (NCDS) to evolve dam safety policies and recommend necessary regulations

    • The National Dam Safety Authority (NDSA) to implement policies and address unresolved issues between the two States

  • The NDSA will be the regulatory body.

  • The legislation also envisages the formation of State Dam Safety Organisations and State Committees on Dam Safety.

  • Dam owners will be held responsible for the construction, operation, maintenance, and supervision of dams.


Linkages between Dam Safety Act and the Mullaperiyar dam

  • As per the Act, the NDSA will perform the role of the State Dam Safety Organisation for a dam located in one State and used by another.

  • Hence, the Mullaperiyar dam comes under the purview of the NDSA.

  • Experts believe that there is every possibility of the Union government will indicate in the court that the NDSA can subsume the functions of the supervisory committee.


Extra Info: Provisions for the distribution of water in Indian Constitution

  • The relevant provisions of the Indian Constitution are
    • Entry 17 in the State List

    • Entry 56 in the Union List

    • Article 262

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