Small Modular N-Reactors
Sept. 30, 2024

What’s in Today’s Article?

  • Introduction
  • About SMRs (Meaning, Working, Characteristics, Types, Benefits, Challenges, etc.)
  • News Summary (Govt. Measures to promote SMRs)


  • As the world grapples with the urgent need to decarbonize energy systems and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, nuclear energy is resurfacing as a critical component of the solution.
  • While traditional nuclear power plants are large and costly to build, Small Modular Nuclear Reactors (SMRs) are emerging as a promising alternative.
  • These compact reactors offer the potential to provide safe, scalable, and sustainable energy to meet global demands.

What are Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)?

  • Small Modular Reactors are nuclear reactors designed to generate a small amount of electricity—typically up to 300 MW per unit.
  • Unlike traditional large nuclear reactors, which generate up to 1,000 MW or more, SMRs are smaller in size, allowing for modular deployment, enhanced safety features, and reduced construction times.
  • SMRs operate on the same fundamental principles as traditional nuclear reactors, using nuclear fission to generate heat.
  • This heat is then used to produce steam, which drives a turbine to generate electricity.
  • Characteristics of SMRs:
    • Modularity: SMRs can be factory-built in modules and transported to the installation site, which significantly reduces on-site construction time and costs.
    • Scalability: The modular nature allows for flexible scaling, enabling utilities to add capacity as demand grows.
    • Safety Enhancements: Many SMR designs incorporate passive safety systems, which rely on natural forces like gravity and convection, reducing the need for operator intervention in emergencies.
    • Lower Capital Costs: Smaller reactors mean lower upfront investments, making SMRs an attractive option for countries and regions with limited financial resources for energy infrastructure.

Types of SMRs:

  • Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs): Most SMRs are based on PWR technology, where water is used as both a coolant and moderator.
  • Fast Neutron Reactors: These reactors use fast neutrons and liquid metal coolants to achieve higher efficiency in fuel use.
  • Molten Salt Reactors (MSRs): Instead of solid fuel, MSRs use liquid fuel dissolved in molten salt, offering inherent safety benefits by reducing the risk of meltdown.
  • High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors (HTGRs): These reactors use helium as a coolant and can operate at higher temperatures, increasing efficiency.

Benefits of SMRs:

  • Safety:
    • SMRs are designed with advanced safety features that significantly reduce the risk of accidents.
    • Many designs feature passive safety systems that automatically shut down the reactor without human intervention if certain safety parameters are exceeded.
  • Cost-Effectiveness:
    • Traditional nuclear plants are capital-intensive and often face construction delays. SMRs, on the other hand, are designed to be more affordable.
    • With their modular design, they can be manufactured in factories and assembled on-site, lowering construction costs and timelines.
  • Scalability & Flexibility:
    • One of the primary advantages of SMRs is their scalability.
    • Utility companies can install a single reactor to meet current energy demand and add more modules over time as demand grows.
    • This makes SMRs particularly suitable for smaller grids or regions with fluctuating energy needs.
  • Lower Environmental Impact:
    • While nuclear power is already considered low-carbon, SMRs offer further environmental benefits:
    • Reduced Waste Generation: Some advanced SMR designs are capable of reusing spent nuclear fuel, reducing the volume of radioactive waste.
    • Small Physical Footprint: SMRs occupy less land compared to traditional nuclear plants, making them easier to site in remote or space-constrained areas.

Challenges Facing SMR Deployment:

  • Regulatory Hurdles:
    • Nuclear energy, being a highly regulated industry, poses a challenge for SMRs. Existing regulatory frameworks are designed for large nuclear plants, and SMRs will require tailored regulations that account for their smaller size and enhanced safety features.
  • Public Perception:
    • The legacy of nuclear disasters such as Chernobyl and Fukushima continues to impact public perception. Gaining public trust and dispelling myths around the safety of SMRs will be critical for widespread acceptance.
  • High Initial Costs:
    • While SMRs are more affordable than large nuclear plants, the upfront costs are still higher compared to renewable energy sources like wind and solar.
    • This can make it difficult to secure investment without clear long-term policy support and financial incentives.
  • Waste Disposal:
    • Although SMRs produce less nuclear waste, the issue of waste disposal remains.
    • A comprehensive strategy for handling and storing nuclear waste will be essential for the sustainable operation of SMRs. 

News Summary: Small nuclear reactors get traction

  • India's ambitions to enter the Small Modular Reactors manufacturing value chain are showing positive signs, with private players expressing interest in deploying these reactors at their captive sites.
  • SMRs, which range between 30 MWe to 300 MWe per unit, are seen as key to keeping nuclear energy commercially competitive.
  • India is positioning itself as a leader in SMRs, both as part of its clean energy transition and as a foreign policy initiative.
  • Russia, a major SMR player alongside China, is reportedly looking to expand nuclear cooperation with India in this field.
  • Technical discussions are underway to assess the feasibility of SMRs in India, with the Atomic Energy Act, 1962 guiding policy decisions. The Indian government is also considering private sector involvement in this sector.
  • Globally, only two SMRs have reached operational status—Akademik Lomonosov in Russia and HTR-PM in China.
  • India aims to emerge as a credible alternative, leveraging its history of operating small reactors and cost-effective nuclear manufacturing capabilities.

Steps Taken by Government to Promote SMRs:

  • Integration of SMRs into National Energy Plans: The Indian government has highlighted nuclear energy as a crucial part of its clean energy transition. SMRs, being a flexible and scalable alternative, have been integrated into discussions on future energy policies to diversify the nuclear energy portfolio.
  • Long-term Strategy for Net-Zero: India’s ambitious target of achieving net-zero emissions by 2070 includes nuclear energy as a key component, and the government is increasingly considering SMRs as a clean and safe option for decentralized energy production.
  • Budget Allocations for Nuclear R&D: The Indian government has allocated funds in its budget to enhance nuclear research, focusing on advanced reactor technologies like SMRs. This funding supports R&D efforts and contributes to infrastructure development.
    • In the 2024-25 Indian Budget, the government announced plans to partner with the private sector to develop and set up "Bharat Small Reactors", essentially SMRs.