Tamil Nadu Hooch Tragedy Points to the Need for a Public Health-Centred Approach to Alcohol
June 27, 2024


  • India faces recurring tragedies, from road accidents to monsoon flooding, often attributed to an incompetent state unable to enforce laws.
  • Among these tragedies, the recurrent calamities due to the consumption of illicit alcohol stand out, highlighting both legal and moral failures.
  • The recent Kallakurichi hooch tragedy in Tamil Nadu, resulting in nearly 60 deaths, underscores the severe consequences of these failures.

Historical Context of Alcohol Consumption in India

  • Ancient and Medieval Periods
    • References to alcohol, particularly a fermented drink called soma, appear in the Vedic texts and soma was considered a divine drink and was consumed during religious rituals and ceremonies.
    • The Rigveda, one of the oldest Indian scriptures, speaks of soma with reverence, indicating its importance in the social and religious life of that era.
    • During the Mughal period, despite the Quranic prohibition of alcohol, drinking was not uncommon.
    • The Mughal emperors and their courts indulged in wine and other alcoholic beverages, imported from Persia and Central Asia, as well as locally produced drinks.
    • This period saw a flourishing of a sophisticated drinking culture, with alcohol integrated into the fabric of elite social life.
  • Colonial Period
    • The British colonial authorities sought to regulate and control the production and consumption of alcohol, introducing new forms of liquor and establishing a taxation regime.
    • Indigenous alcoholic beverages, which were integral to community celebrations and cultural practices, were stigmatised and restricted.
    • The colonial narrative framed these traditional practices as primitive, promoting instead the consumption of gin and whiskey, distilled in industrial quantities and heavily taxed.
    • This period also saw the birth of the term "Indian-made foreign liquor" (IMFL), which became a symbol of colonial influence.
    • IMFL represented a blend of Western and Indian drinking cultures, embodying the tensions between colonial control and indigenous practices.
    • The British promoted these beverages among the Indian elite, creating a class of brown sahibs who adopted Western lifestyles and drinking habits.
  • Independence and Prohibition Movements
    • The temperance movement, which had been gaining momentum since the late 19th century, found a natural ally in the independence struggle.
    • Leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, who viewed alcohol as a social evil and a threat to moral integrity, championed the cause of prohibition.
    • Gandhi's vision of a free India included a society free from the vices introduced by colonial rule, with alcohol being a prime target.
    • When India gained independence in 1947, the ideals of the temperance movement were enshrined in the Constitution.
    • Article 47 of the Directive Principles of State Policy urged the state to endeavour to bring about prohibition of intoxicating drinks and drugs injurious to health.
    • This made India the only secular and democratic country to constitutionally mandate such a directive, reflecting the strong moral undertones of the independence era.
  • Modern Era and Contemporary Issues
    • In the modern era, state policies on alcohol vary widely, reflecting the ongoing tension between moral, cultural, and economic factors.
    • States like Bihar have experimented with prohibition, driven by concerns over alcohol-fuelled domestic violence and public health.
    • However, these efforts often lead to unintended consequences, such as the proliferation of illicit alcohol production and consumption.

Contradictory Excise Policies and Their Consequences

  • Prohibition and Its Implementation
    • After India gained independence, the constitutional directive to promote prohibition of intoxicating substances was a nod to the moral and cultural values espoused by leaders like Mahatma Gandhi.
    • However, the practical implementation of prohibition was delegated to individual states, leading to a patchwork of policies that reflect a wide spectrum of approaches towards alcohol regulation.
  • Economic Considerations
    • One of the most significant contradictions in alcohol policy arises from the economic benefits that alcohol sales provide to state governments.
    • Alcohol excise is a major source of revenue, often contributing significantly to the state’s budget.
    • For instance, the government of Tamil Nadu generates substantial revenue through the Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation (TASMAC), which controls the sale of alcohol in the state.
    • This economic dependency creates a conflict of interest, making it challenging to implement strict prohibition.
  • Social and Cultural Dimensions
    • The societal perception of alcohol consumption is another area of contradiction.
    • On one hand, traditional and moralistic views continue to stigmatise drinking, associating it with moral decay and social vice.
    • On the other hand, urbanisation and globalisation have brought about a shift in attitudes, particularly among the younger generation and urban elites, who view drinking as a symbol of modernity and personal freedom.
  • Impact on Health and Public Safety
    • In states with prohibition, the consumption of illicit alcohol often leads to mass poisoning incidents, as seen in the Kallakurichi hooch tragedy.
    • The lack of regulatory oversight in the production of illicit alcohol results in dangerous concoctions that can cause severe health issues and fatalities.
  • Surge in Illegal Moonshine Industries
    • These contradictory policies have perpetuated the illegal moonshine industry, driven by the high demand for alcohol in regions where it is criminalised.
    • Law enforcement agencies and political figures often collude with the mafia or fail to enforce the law, with the poor bearing the brunt of these policies.
    • In Bihar, prisons are overcrowded with poor men arrested for drinking, and most victims of hooch tragedies are impoverished.

Way Ahead to Address the Issue of Illicit Alcohol

  • Need for a National Consensus
    • Addressing this issue requires a national consensus to balance public health science and personal freedoms.
    • Lessons from other countries can guide this approach. For instance, revisiting policies on cannabis, which India criminalized under U.S. pressure, despite its long history of use, could be insightful.
    • The U.S. now hosts the largest legal cannabis industry, suggesting potential pathways for India.
  • Strict Quality Control
    • Legalising alcohol consumption with strict quality controls and permitting indigenous alcohol production is crucial.
    • Concurrently, enforcing zero-tolerance for alcohol-related offenses, such as bars selling to underage drinkers, is imperative.
    • Shifting from the traditional in-patient deaddiction centres to evidence-based psychosocial interventions within the primary care network would also help treat harmful drinking non-stigmatising.
  • Learning from International Experience
    • Reflecting on international experiences, such as the culture change in Britain during the late 1980s and 1990s regarding drink-driving, is instructive.
    • The UK extended pub closing hours and strictly enforced drink-driving laws, leading to a societal shift where drink-driving became socially unacceptable.


  • The contradictory policies on alcohol in India reflect a deep-seated tension between moral imperatives, economic interests, and social realities.
  • These contradictions have led to a range of unintended consequences, from the proliferation of illicit alcohol and associated health risks to the reinforcement of gender and socio-economic inequalities.
  • Addressing these issues requires a comprehensive and balanced approach that integrates public health science, respects personal freedoms, and learns from the experiences of other countries.