Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said the stick-like object he was holding in his hand while plogging on the Mamallapuram coastal beach in Tamil Nadu, was an acupressure roller. Mr. Modi said that he often uses it as it is very helpful.
Acupressure is a kind of touch therapy. It uses the same concept as acupuncture, which targets the pressure points. But acupressure treatment is used through fingers. It helps in relieving pain, increases blood circulation among other benefits.
Acupuncture and acupressure use the same points, while acupressure uses the gentle but firm pressure of hands or any blunted objects, but acupuncture employs needles.
Other than fingers, there are different tools that are used for acupressure.
There are acupressure wristbands and bracelets available that are accompanied by a button. it helps with nausea and motion sickness.
There are also hand rollers and foot rollers that are known to provide instant relief.
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