Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft

March 10, 2024

Recently, the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) cleared a Rs 15,000 crore project to design and develop the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA).

About Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft:

  • It is India’s fifth-generation fighter multirole fighter jet.
  • Features
    • It will have advanced stealth features to avoid detection by enemy radar.
    • Fuel and Weapon: The aircraft will have a large, concealed internal fuel tank of 6.5-tonne capacity, and an internal weapons bay for a range of weapons, including indigenous weapons.
    • Engine: The AMCA Mk1 variant will have the US-built GE414 engine which will be developed indigenously by DRDO’s Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE) in collaboration with a foreign defence major.
    • The aircraft will have a low electro-magnetic signature, which will make it difficult for enemy radar to detected it.
    • At the same time, it will have powerful sensors and new weapons, so it is able to register the signature of enemy aircraft and take them out.
  • The Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) under the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) will be the nodal agency for executing the programme and designing the aircraft.
  • It will be manufactured by state-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL).

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