May 21, 2019

The world body governing Badminton, BFA, has launched two new formats of the game --AirBadminton and Triples with new dimensions of the court and an innovative shuttlecock called Airshuttle.


  • In the new formats launched globally at Guangzhou last week, AirBadmintion will be outdoor sports. Traditional competitive badminton has been an indoor game.

  • The shuttlecock design and the dimensions of the court are the main difference between traditional badminton and this.

  • The AirBadminton court has a two-metre dead zone at the front of the court. Should the AirShuttle land in that area, it is given a fault. Points cannot be scored off the net area because control of the shuttle up front is very difficult with the Airshuttle.


  • The AirShuttle has been the key to introducing AirBadminton.

  • The AirShuttle was designed to mimic the trajectory, acoustics and feel of the traditional indoor shuttle. It has minimal impact from side and axial wind and limited influence from humidity variations. The eventual aim is for the shuttlecock to be played in winds up to 12km per hour.

  • The final materials of the AirShuttle will be released once a manufacturer is firmed up, but the prototypes are made of polypropylene and nylon.

Triples format:

  • In Triples format, the match will be played between a team of three players each with presence of at least one female.

  • Players are not allowed to hit two consecutive returns. This rule creates more movement and increases the strategic element of the game.

  • Players serve from behind a three-metre marker. The shuttle ought to be below net height at the point of impact, which means its flight is always upwards from the server’s racket.


  • Outdoor badminton is one of India's favourite recreational sports.

  • Infrastructure won't be a hindrance for people interested in Airbadminton as it can be played in different environments like grass in parks, on sands in beaches and the streets and bylanes.

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