Dec. 24, 2018

In Indonesia, the death toll from a volcano-triggered tsunami has risen to 222, with more than 800 people injured. The possible cause of the tsunami was undersea landslides following the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano.


  • Krakatoa, or Krakatau is a caldera situated in the Sunda Strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra in the Indonesian province of Lampung.

  • The name is also used for the surrounding volcanic island group (Krakatoa Archipelago) comprising four islands: Lang, Verlaten, Rakata and Anak Krakatau.

Anak Krakatau:

  • In 1927, a fourth island, Anak Krakatau, or "Child of Krakatoa", emerged from the caldera formed in 1883. It is the current location of eruptive activity.

Source : The Hindu