In India, Anti Leprosy Day is observed on 30th January every year.
30th January is Mahatma Gandhi's martyrdom day. He was deeply committed to the cause of leprosy-affected persons.
Leprosy is also one of the neglected tropical diseases.
National Leprosy Eradication Programme is a centrally sponsored scheme. Its vision is “Leprosy-free India”. Under this, action is taken for early case detection, complete treatment of detected cases and to contain the onset of disease in close contacts.
Other initiatives under the programme include leprosy awareness campaigns and services for Disability Prevention and Medical Rehabilitation such as provision of Microcellular Rubber footwear, Aids & Appliances and self-care kits.
Under the programme, Reconstructive Surgeries are conducted and welfare allowance is paid to each patient undergoing Reconstructive Surgeries.
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