Armageddon Reedtail

Sept. 30, 2023

Recently, researchers from MIT-World Peace University from Pune discovered a new damselfly species in Kerala’s southern Western Ghats and named it as ‘Armageddon reedtail’.

About Armageddon Reedtail:

  • The species was discovered northeast of Thiruvananthapuram.
  • Features: It has a captivating dark brown to black body with vibrant greenish-blue eyes, and half of its eight abdominal segments are marked with delicate pale blue markings.
  • Its only habitat is primary montane streams, where it thrives beneath dense canopy cover.
  • The name, Armageddon Reedtail, is a direct reference to the concept of “Ecological Armageddon”, a term used to describe the devastating decline of insect populations around the world.
  • Threat: This species faces the threat of extinction due to habitat loss and changing environmental conditions.

Key facts about damselfly

  • These are insects in the sub-order Zygoptera (meaning “paired-wings”). 
  • These are found mainly near shallow, freshwater habitats and are graceful fliers with slender bodies and long, filmy, net-veined wings.
  • These are generally smaller, more delicate, and fly weakly in comparison with dragonflies. 
  • Female damselflies normally use a bladelike ovipositor to place eggs inside plant tissue.
  • In many species of Damselflies adults change colour as they mature.

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