Ten captive-bred Asian Giant Tortoise (Manouria emys) juveniles were released into a protected area of Nagaland’s Intanki National Park.
The soft release of Asian Giant Tortoise is an attempt to boost conservation and repopulating the species. The soft release is a process of gradually releasing captive-raised species into the wild.
Distribution: They are found in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, and Malaysia and other places.
Diet: Bamboo shoots, tubers and other juicy vegetation and some invertebrates and frogs.
Threats: Hunting for consumption, habitat loss, anthropogenic activities like construction and slash and burn.
Conservation Status
IUCN :Critically Endangered
CITES :Appendix II
Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972 : Schedule IV
Intanki National Park:
It is also known as the Ntangki National Park, which was established by British administrators in the year 1923.
Flora: it has thick rain forests which creates natural habitat for many animals.
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