Atlantic Puffin

Oct. 11, 2023

A hybrid species of Atlantic puffins that formed in the last century was recently discovered by scientists.

About Atlantic Puffin:

  • It is a species of small seabird in the auk family.
  • It's the only puffin species found in the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Scientific Name: Fratercula arctica
  • Habitat: It is found on rocky coasts in the Northern Atlantic Ocean during the breeding season and on the open ocean in the non-breeding season.
  • Geographical Range:
    • It is a migratory species, spending most of the time traveling back and forth across the Atlantic Ocean, returning every breeding season to its native breeding areas.
    • Sixty percent of the individuals inhabit the coast of Iceland during the breeding season.
    • It has also been found off the coast of Greenland, the United Kingdom, Eastern Canada, and the Netherlands, as well as Ireland.
  • Features:
    • It is a short and stocky diving seabird about 12 inches in length with a wingspan of 20-24 inches.
    • It is black on its upper sides and white on its chest and belly.
    • Males and females look alike.
    • It has bright orange webbed feet; a white face and cheeks; and a large, triangular parrot-like bill that is bright red and yellow
    • They fly through the air like most birds, but they also "fly" through the water, using their wings as paddles.
    • They are also speedy in the air. They flap their wings up to 400 times a minute, speeding along in the air at 55 miles an hour.
    • Diet: Puffins eat small fish—such as sand eels and herring—which they hunt underwater. 

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