West Bengal Chief Minister conferred the Banga Bibhushan on Binapani Devi, the head of a socio-religious body of Matuas, and announced setting of a new university in honour of religious leaders of the Matua community.
Banga Bibhushan:
Banga Bibhushan Samman is a title conferred by the West Bengal Government to honour the services of personalities in various fields. It is State's highest civilian award.
It was initiated in 2011 by Mamata Banerjee, Chief Minister of West Bengal.
Matua community:
Matua Mahasangha is a Hindu reform movement which has considerable number of adherents in West Bengal as well as in Bangladesh. It is a religious sect of Bangladeshi Dalits who predominantly belong to the Namasudra caste.
The movement was launched by the followers of Harichand Thakur, who belonged to the Namasudra community. His teachings focussed on Self-Dikshitisation ("Self-Realisation"), education as preeminently and the upliftment of the population the adherent's duty.
They are a deciding factor in many Lok Sabha seats in West Bengal which assumes a lot of political significance.
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