A bar-headed goose, a rare migratory bird, was sighted for the first time in Morshing village, West Kameng district, Arunachal Pradesh, recently.
About Bar-Headed Goose:
It is a migratory bird species.
Scientific name: Anser indicus
It is known to be one of the highest-flying birds in the world.
It can fly at altitudes of 25,000 feet, while migrating over the Himalayas, where oxygen and temperature levels are extremely low.
Native to central Asia, where the species breeds, Bar-headed geese are found in countries like India, Pakistan, Nepal, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Japan, and other nearby regions.
They migrate to parts of South Asia during winters.
In India, their geographical range extends from the northeast to the southern parts of the country.
They reside near water bodies, preferring high-altitude lakes during the breeding season and freshwater lakes, rivers, and streams in their wintering habitats.
They are also found in rocky regions, farmlands and marshes.
This species is gray and white with two horseshoe-shaped, brownish-black bars on the back of its white head.
The body is gray overall, and the bill and legs are pink, orange, or yellow.
The wingspan of the bird ranges from 140 to 160 cm.
Although male and female birds appear similar, the male bird is slightly larger than the female.
They usually form monogamous pairs and are seasonal breeders.
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