Bar-Headed Goose

March 9, 2025

A bar-headed goose, a rare migratory bird, was sighted for the first time in Morshing village, West Kameng district, Arunachal Pradesh, recently.

About Bar-Headed Goose:

  • It is a migratory bird species.
  • Scientific name: Anser indicus
  • It is known to be one of the highest-flying birds in the world.
    • It can fly at altitudes of 25,000 feet, while migrating over the Himalayas, where oxygen and temperature levels are extremely low.
  • Distribution:
    • Native to central Asia, where the species breeds, Bar-headed geese are found in countries like India, Pakistan, Nepal, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Japan, and other nearby regions.
    • They migrate to parts of South Asia during winters.
    • In India, their geographical range extends from the northeast to the southern parts of the country.
  • Habitat:
    • They reside near water bodies, preferring high-altitude lakes during the breeding season and freshwater lakes, rivers, and streams in their wintering habitats.
    • They are also found in rocky regions, farmlands and marshes.
  • Features:
    • This species is gray and white with two horseshoe-shaped, brownish-black bars on the back of its white head.
    • The body is gray overall, and the bill and legs are pink, orange, or yellow.
    • The wingspan of the bird ranges from 140 to 160 cm.
    • Although male and female birds appear similar, the male bird is slightly larger than the female.
    • They usually form monogamous pairs and are seasonal breeders.
  • Conservation Status:
    • IUCN Red List: Least Concern

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