
Aug. 12, 2018

Bedaquiline, a drug used for treating Multi-Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB), was released in Telangana.


  • Bedaquiline is a bactericidal drug which belongs to a new class of antibiotics (diarylquinolines).

  • Usage:
    • It is recommended by WHO specifically for the treatment of patients suffering from multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB).

    • It is not recommended for treating latent TB infection.

  • Functioning: It is different from other anti-TB drugs as it interferes with the function of an enzyme required by the tuberculosis bacterium to produce energy and to replicate.

  • Side-effects: However, Bedaquiline has been reported to disturb the function of the heart and liver in particular. Thus patients using this needs to be closely monitored.

  • Usage in India:
    • The drug is made available only to the Centre, which in turn rations it to the States.

    • It is not available for private purchase because of concerns of drug-resistance by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacterium that causes TB.

Source : The Hindu

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