About Bharatkosh portal:
- It is the initiative of the Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
- It provides one-stop services to deposit any fees/fine/other money into the government's account.
- It converges all the Civil Ministries/Departments of the Government of India.
- It aims to provide 24X7 year-round electronic services to deposit money into Government account using internet-based payment technologies to the users at the door step through the web-based portal.
- It thus leverages the e-Governance commitment of the Government to provide e-efficient, e-effective, e-excellent government anywhere anytime.
How will the e-wallet facility work?
- The e-wallet will be particularly useful for processing of fees for various regulatory approvals in the Bharat Kosh portal.
- It acts as a prepaid wallet that would enable registered users to add funds in advance.
- Initially, only NEFT/RTGS mode will be allowed for adding funds. The users would also be able to generate receipt and challan instantly.
- The process will enable the generation of receipts and challans instantly, eliminating the problem of failed bank transactions.
- The facility will only be available to registered Bharatkosh users, wherein a unique wallet ID will be generated for each user to manage the wallet transactions.