Bhitarkanika National Park

Sept. 18, 2024

The population of nesting birds has registered a marginal increase in Bhitarkanika National Park

About Bhitarkanika National Park: 

  • Location: It is located in the Kendrapara district of Odisha.
  • It lies at a rich delta made by the Brahmani, Baitarani, and Dhamara rivers.
  • It comprises vast mangrove forests, meandering rivers, and creeks leading to tidal deltas. 
  • Spread over a vast area of 672, it is the second largest mangrove ecosystem in India. 
  • Proximity to the Bay of Bengal makes the soil of the area enriched with salt; the vegetation and species of the sanctuary are comprised of those that are mainly found in the tropical and subtropical intertidal regions.
  • It is also designated as the second Ramsar site in Odisha after the Chilika Lake.
  • Flora: Mangrove species, casuarinas, and grasses like the indigo bush.
  • Fauna:
  • It is home to the largest congregation of the endangered Saltwater Crocodile in the country.
  • The Gahirmatha Beach, which forms the boundary of the park in the east, is the largest colony of the Olive Ridley Sea Turtles.
  • It is also home to numerous animals like hyenas, wild boar, Chitals, Sambar, Spotted Deer, Wild Boar, Jungle cat, Wild Pigs, etc., and migratory birds, which make it their home during the winter season, lending a vibrant hue to the ecosystem.