
Sept. 15, 2024

Recently, the environment minister said that the Delhi government has started preparations to spray bio-decomposer over 5,000 acres of farmland in New Delhi.

About Bio-decomposer:

  • It is a microbial liquid spray which, when sprayed onto paddy stubble, breaks it down in a way that can be easily absorbed into the soil, whereby farmers then have no need to burn the stubble.
  • It has been developed by the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI).
  • The government has been spraying the bio-decomposer solution free of cost since 2020 over farmlands in outer Delhi.
  • It has been used by the States of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and NCT of Delhi.
  • Advantages:
    • By spraying bio-decomposer, farmers won’t need to burn their paddy stubble, which will not only help in reducing pollution but also increase soil fertility.
    • Its use enriches the soil with Organic Carbon (OC), nutrients and soil biological and physical properties.
    • It is an efficient and effective, cheaper, doable and practical technique to stop stubble burning. It is an eco-friendly and environmentally useful technology.