Calcium Carbide

April 22, 2023

Recently, the Food Safety and Standards Authority (FSSAI) of India (FSSAI) urged food commissioners of all states and Union Territories (UT) to take action against the unauthorised use of artificial fruit ripening agent calcium carbide.

About Calcium Carbide:

  • It is a compound with the chemical formula CaC2.
  • It is also known as ‘masala’ which is used as a fruit ripening agent.
  • It is manufactured by heating a lime and carbon mixture to 2000 to 2100°C (3632 to 3812°F) in an electric arc furnace.
  • It has been prohibited as per the provision in the sub-regulation of Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restriction on Sales) Regulation, 2011.
  • It is used in mining and metal industries as well as in the production of acetylene gas.
  • It is a highly reactive compound and releases acetylene gas which is used to artificially ripen fruits

What is Artificial ripening?

  • Artificial ripening of fruits is done in a controlled manner to achieve the optimum level of ripening before time which would be then accepted by consumers
  • It also allows a longer shelf life for these fruits.

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