The Tamil Nadu Assembly has passed a bill declaring the Cauvery Delta Region a Protected Special Agriculture Zone (PSAZ).
Projects banned: The bill provides for banning certain new industries in the region. They include hydrocarbon exploration, smeltering of copper, zinc and aluminium, iron ore processing, tanneries and ship breaking.
Projects exempted: However, any ongoing projects would not be disturbed. Infrastructure development projects like port development, laying of pipelines, road, telecommunication lines, power and water supply facilities will not be banned.
Regions covered: The whole districts of Thanjavur, Tiruvarur and Nagapattinam and five blocks each of Cuddalore and Pudukkottai districts are brought under the ambit of the bill.
regions exempted: However, the more industrialized districts of Trichy, Ariyalur and Karur have been excluded, though they are part of the Delta region geographically.
Protected Agricultural Zone Authority: The bill seeks to establish a 30-member Protected Agricultural Zone Authority headed by the Chief Minister to advise the Government on protecting and improving agricultural activities in the region.
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