NITI Aayog unveiled the “Status Paper and Way Forward on Resource Efficiency & Circular Economy”.
Objective of Resource Efficiency & Circular Economy strategy: To make recommendations for enhancing the resource-use efficiency in the Indian economy, develop indicators for monitoring progress, and create an ecosystem for minimizing environmental impacts.
Recommendations: The status paper brings out 30 recommendations out of which 14 recommendations have identified as priority actions. Some of these are:
Formulation of a National Policy on Resource Efficiency (RE)/Circular Economy (CE),
Establishment of Bureau of Resource Efficiency (BRE),
Mainstreaming RE & CE in existing flagship missions,
A Modern Recycling Industry with level playing between primary and secondary producers,
R&D for development of scalable technologies for RE & CE, and
Development and promotion of skill and capacity building programmes for informal sector.
Significance: RE & CE is closely interlinked with climate change and implementing it would help in achieving the climate change target of limiting temperature increase to 2 degrees Celsius.
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