About Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology (CSTT):
- CSTT was established on October 01, 1961 in pursuance of a Presidential Order dated April 27, 1960 with the objective to evolve technical terminology in all Indian Languages.
- It was established under clause (4) of Article 344 of the Constitution of India.
- It is functioning under Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Government of India with its headquarters at New Delhi.
- Primary Function: Evolve standard terminology, propagate its use and distribute it widely.
- Other functions:
- Preparation and Publication of Bilingual and Trilingual Glossaries involving English/Hindi and other Indian Languages.
- Preparation and Publication of National terminology.
- Identification and Publication of School Level Terminology and Departmental Glossaries.
- Identification of Pan Indian Terms.
- Preparation of Definitional Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias.
- Preparation of University level textbooks,monographs and journals.
- Grant-in-Aid to Granth Academies, Textbook Boards and University Cells for University level books in regional languages.
- Propagation, expansion and critical review of terms coined and defined through training/orientation programmes, workshops, seminars etc.
- Free distribution of Publications.
- Providing necessary terminology to the National Translation Mission.
- In the process of evolution of scientific and technical terminology and reference material in Hindi and Indian Languages, the Commission shall have collaboration of State Governments, Universities, Regional Text-Book Boards and State Granth Academies.