Cyber Diplomacy

Jan. 30, 2019

Speaking at the 2019 annual Cybertech conference, Israeli PM reiterated that “cyber diplomacy” will be the next area of cooperation among big economies.According to him, any country can be attacked today with cyber attacks and every country needs the combination of a national cyber defence effort and a robust cybersecurity industry.

Key Facts:

  • India is among the countries with which Israel has a cybersecurity agreement.

  • Israel also boasts of having 20 per cent of global private investments in cybersecurity, second only to the United States.

  • In 2015, Israel had announced the setting up of the National Cyber Defence Authority, which was converted into a National Cyber Defence Directorate last year by merging another government body called the Cyber Bureau.

  • This accelerated the Israeli pace in cyber security investments.

What India Can Learn From Israel?

  • Israel leads the world in investment in R&D as a percentage of GDP. It happens because Israel have the highest percentage of R&D personnel per one thousand employees.

  • Also, defence industry in Israel is used to leverage the civilian industry.

  • As a result, almost all the top 10 new companies have major research centres in Israel.


Source : Indian Express

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