Diviseema, on the Andhra Pradesh coast, is witnessing a spike in human-snake conflict as illegal export of frogs has depleted their prey base.
Diviseema island is located in the Krishna District of Andhra Pradesh. It is located in the delta area formed at Puligadda (Avanigadda), where the Krishna River is divided into two before merging into the Bay of Bengal.
The island comprises three mandals: Koduru, Avanigadda and Nagayalanka.
It is a rare ecological region with dense mangrove cover.
Recent development:
The decline of frogs began when local communities hunted down frogs and shipped them illegally to China, depriving the snakes. In India, a ban on frog exports came into force in 1987.
This disrupted the food chain due to the virtual collapse of their prey base on the island due to which snakes started entering agriculture fields and human habitations.
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