Sept. 23, 2018

By analysing faeces of Royle’s pika – a small rabbit-like mammal found in India's Himalaya – using DNA ‘metabarcoding’, researchers at IISc Bengaluru have found that these animals survive almost entirely on specific plants that grow only in cold, wet conditions.


  • DNA metabarcoding infers the species composition of an environmental sample by amplifying, sequencing, and analysing target genomic regions.

  • It differs from DNA barcoding in the use of high-throughput sequencing.

  • This technique allows for DNA sequencing of bulk samples without a prior step of specimen sorting.

  • With DNA metabarcoding one can identify organisms down to various taxonomic levels and compare the taxa composition among samples.

  • DNA metabarcoding can be used even when DNA is degraded. Therefore, it is possible to analyse taxa diversity in samples such as soil, faeces, or sediments.

  • There is an increasing demand for this technology in a variety of fields, such as: Microbial ecology, Aerobiology, Soil biology, Marine and freshwater biology etc.

Source : The Hindu

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