Oct. 24, 2019

Union Government has advanced the deadline for implementation of ecological flow notification for ganga – which came into effect in October 2018 – from October 2021 to December 2019.

Norms for minimum environmental flow (e-flow) for Ganga: 

  • The e-flows are the acceptable flow regimes that are required to maintain a river in the desired environmental state.

  • The e-flow notification specifies that the upper stretches of the Ganga — from its origins in the glaciers and until Haridwar — would have to maintain:
    • 20% of the monthly average flow of the preceding 10-days between November and March, which is the dry season;

    • 25% of the average during the ‘lean season’ of October, April and May; and

    • 30% of monthly average during the monsoon months of June-September.

  • Any dam or structure meant for diversion of river flows for the purpose of irrigation, hydro-power and domestic or industrial use will now have to maintain the minimum flow. However, mini and micro projects, which do not alter the flow significantly are exempted.

  • The Central Water Commission (CWC) is the designated authority for supervision, monitoring, regulation of flows. Power projects will be assessed by the CWC quarterly for compliance after December 2019.

  • The central government through National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) may direct release of additional water in the river Ganga to meet special demand as and when required.

Source : The Hindu