Dec. 24, 2020

Union Government has for the first time laid down Rights to the Electricity Consumers through “Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Rules, 2020”.


  • Consumers across the country will now have the right to a minimum standard of service for supply of electricity. DISCOMs have to ensure minimum standard of service under the rules.

  • This will also include the right to round-the-clock electricity supplies, unless stated otherwise for a specific category, such as an agricultural connection.

  • These rules provide for rights of consumers and obligations of distribution licensees, release of new connection and modification in existing connection, metering arrangement, billing and payment, among others.

  • An automatic compensation mechanism will be put in place. It will include no supply to a consumer beyond a particular duration and certain number of interruptions in supply, which will be specified by the regulatory commission.

  • A new connection has to be given within a maximum time period of seven days in metro cities, 15 days in other municipal areas, and 30 days in rural areas.

  • The rules recognise consumer as a prosumer as well, where prosumers will maintain consumer status and have the same rights as a general consumer. They will also have right to set up renewable energy generation unit, including rooftop solar photovoltaic systems — either on their own or through a service provider.

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