Govt. of India has now extended the Employees' State Insurance (ESI) Scheme for the first time to Arunachal Pradesh, with effect from 1st November, 2020. All factories located in the district of Papum Pare of Arunachal Pradesh employing 10 or more persons shall become eligible for coverage under ESI Act 1948.
The Employees' State Insurance Corporation is a pioneer Social Security organization providing comprehensive social security benefits like reasonable Medical Care and a range of Cash Benefits in times of need such as employment injury, sickness, death etc.
It is covering about 3.49 Crores of family units of workers and providing matchless cash benefits and reasonable medical care to its 13.56 crore beneficiaries.
The ESI Scheme today stands implemented in 568 districts in all the States and Union Territories, except Lakshdweep.
Apart from various benefits, the employees covered under ESI Scheme are also entitled to unemployment allowance. There are two unemployment allowance schemes namely
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