Eturunagaram Wildlife Sanctuary

Sept. 7, 2024

Recently, as per the ‘sample plot analysis’, it has been surmised that approximately 50,000 trees were uprooted in 200 hectares of deep forest area along 2 km to 3 km length in Eturunagaram wildlife sanctuary.

About Eturunagaram Wildlife Sanctuary:

  • It was declared as a wildlife sanctuary in 1953.
  • Location: The sanctuary is located near the border of Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh and Telangana.
  • Rivers: The perennial riverDayyam Vagu flows through this sanctuary. This Vagu separates the wildlife sanctuary into two parts.
  • The sanctuary is also famous for the Sammakkka Sarakka Jathra, one of Asia's largest tribal jathra, taking place here every two years.
  • The River Godavari also passes through the sanctuary.
  • Vegetation: The region falls in the tropical dry deciduous type of vegetation.
  • Flora: The sanctuary is thus rich in the growth of teak, bamboo and other trees like madhuca and terminalia. Climbers are the unique features which are found in abundance across the length and breadth of this Sanctuary.
  • Fauna:
    • It is home to keystone species in the sanctuary like Indian gour and giant squirrel. 
    • It provides the dwelling ground for Tigers, Leopard, Jackals Sloth Bear, Panther, Wolf, Wild Dogs, Chousingha, Sambar.