Extended Range Anti-Submarine Rocket (ER-ASR)

April 7, 2023

The Extended Range Anti-Submarine Rocket (ER-ASR) designed by two Pune-based facilities of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) was recently successfully test-fired for the first time.

About Extended Range Anti-Submarine Rocket (ER-ASR):

  • It was designed and developed by Pune-based Armament Research and Development Establishment (ARDE) and High Energy Materials Research Laboratory (HEMRL).
  • It is designed to intercept submarines at specific depths.
  • It will be deployed in anti-submarine operations and will be fired from an indigenised rocket launcher mounted onboard various Indian naval ships.
  • It can be fired in single or in salvo mode depending on the tactical mission requirements
  • It has been designed to replace the existing Russian origin RGB rockets which are already fitted in ships.
  • While the RGB has a range of five kilometers, the ER-ASR can achieve a range over eight kilometers.
  • It consists of two motor propulsion systems which can fire the rocket in Short Range mode and Long Range mode to achieve different range capabilities