Aug. 5, 2018

Government of India has officially requested the U.K. authorities to extradite Nirav Modi, wanted in connection with the ₹13,000-crore PNB scam.


  • Meaning:
    • Extradition is a process where one governmental authority formally returns an alleged criminal to another governmental authority for prosecution for a criminal charge.

    • It is initiated when a person commits a crime in country and flees to another country.

  • Extradition vs deportation:
    • Unlike deportation, extradition is a judicial process.

    • g. in India a request to extradite an accused can be initiated only after a chargesheet is filed before the court and the court seeks the presence of the accused to face trial.

  • Extradition treaties & arrangements:
    • In India, the extradition of a fugitive from India to a foreign country or vice-versa is governed by the provisions of Indian Extradition Act, 1962.

    • To ensure extradition, extradition treaties exists between nations. India currently (as of June 2018) has extradition treaties with 48 countries. The U.K. is among them.

Source : The Hindu

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