Jan. 19, 2019

India is protesting against a recent order of the Supreme Court of Pakistan that brought the region of Gilgit-Baltistan within its ambit by arguing that the region would remain, an integral part of India. India called the recent order as an interference in India’s internal affairs.


  • Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) was formerly known as the Northern Areas. 

  • It is an integral part of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir but is currently under Pakistani occupation. 

  • Gilgit Baltistan has been under the control of Pakistan since April 1949, when the leadership of the so-called Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) was forced to sign away this territory to Pakistan. 

  • However, the region does not have any place in the constitutional framework of Pakistan and has been kept under the tight control of the central government. 

  • Gilgit-Baltistan shares a border with Azad Kashmir, together with which it is referred to by the United Nations as "Pakistan administered Kashmir". 

Recent development:

  • India reiterated that the entire state of Jammu and Kashmir, which also includes the so-called 'Gilgit-Baltistan' has been, is and shall remain an integral part of India. 

  • The response came after the Pakistani court said in an order that Gilgit-Baltistan came within its domain. 

  • It was delivering its comments after the Government of Pakistan ordered constitutional safeguards for the region which previously was not given these safeguards explicitly. 

  • Pakistan in recent months had taken a series of steps to ensure full constitutional and legal guarantees to the region which was strategically important for the country especially in view of the passage of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) through the region.

  • According to India, such attempts by Pakistan in these occupied territories are aimed to camouflage grave human rights violations, exploitation and sufferings of the people living there. 

Source : The Hindu