July 29, 2022

Google Street View is finally available for ten cities in India and is expected to roll out in about 50 more cities by the end of the year.


  • Google Street View is an immersive 360-degree view of a location captured using special cameras mounted on vehicles or on backpacks by data collectors moving around the city streets.
  • The images are then patched together to create a 360-degree view which users can swipe through to get a detailed view of the location.
  • It is available to view on Android and iOS using the app, or as a web view.
  • In India, unlike in other markets, Google Street View is powered by images from third parties as per the National Geospatial Policy, 2021.
  • Street View in India is not allowed for restricted areas like government properties, defence establishments and military areas. This means in a place like Delhi, the cantonment area will be out of bounds for Street View. 

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