
Oct. 18, 2022

Kerala governor warned ministers against making statements that lowered the dignity of his office and saying it would invite action, including their removal from office.


Important constitutional provisions about the Governor’s role:

  • Article 163: There shall be a council of ministers with the chief minister as the head to aid and advise the governor in the exercise of his functions, except in so far as he is required to exercise his functions in his discretion.
  • Article 164: The chief Minister shall be appointed by the Governor and the other Ministers shall be appointed by the Governor on the advice of the Chief Minister, and the Ministers shall hold office during the pleasure of the Governor.
  • Article 174: The Governor can also summon, prorogue, and dissolve the Legislative Assembly. By convention, he does this on the advice of the Council of Ministers while they enjoy the confidence of the Assembly.
  • Article 200: Every Bill passed in an Assembly has to be sent to the Governor, after which he has four options
    • to assent to the Bill,
    • withhold assent,
    • reserve the Bill for the consideration of the President, or
    • return the Bill to the legislature, asking it to reconsider the Bill or an aspect of it. The Governor can also suggest an amendment to the Bill. 
Source : The Hindu

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