April 25, 2021

Groundwater depletion may reduce winter cropping intensity by 20% in India.


  • India is the second-largest producer of wheat in the world, with over 30 million hectares in the country dedicated to producing this crop.

  • Some of the important winter crops are wheat, barley, mustard and peas.

Recent study:

  • But with severe groundwater depletion, the cropping intensity or the amount of land planted in the winter season may decrease by up to 20% by 2025, notes a new paper.

  • The international team studied India’s three main irrigation types on winter cropped areas: dug wells, tube wells, canals, and also analysed the groundwater data from the Central Ground Water Board. They found that 13% of the villages in which farmers plant a winter crop are located in critically water-depleted regions.

  • The team writes that these villages may lose 68% of their cropped area in future if access to all groundwater irrigation is lost. The results suggest that these losses will largely occur in northwest and central India.

Source : The Hindu