Guru Padmasambhava

Sept. 1, 2024

International Buddhist Confederation, in collaboration with the Nava Nalanda Mahavihara organised a two-day International Conference on the Life and Living Legacy of Guru Padmasambhava Conference at Nalanda, Bihar.

About Guru Padmasambhava:

  • Guru Padmasambhava, also known as Guru Rinpoche, lived in the eighth century in ancient India andne of the most-revered figures in Buddha Dhamma.
  • He was known in Tibet as one of the founding fathers of Tibetan Buddhism, who appeared in Tibet in 749 A.D.
  • He is credited with having spread the message of Lord Buddha to the countries and regions located in the Himalayan belt, including India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Tibet.
  • He was a Tantrist and a member of the Yogācāra sect and taught at Nalanda, a centre of Buddhist studies in India.
  • Guru Padamasambhava also represents a consolidation of many strands of culture ranging from Yogic and Tantric practices to meditation, art, music, dance, magic, folklore and religious teachings.

Key facts about International Buddhist Confederation

  • It is a Buddhist umbrella body with its base in New Delhi that serves as a common platform for Buddhists worldwide.
  • It was established under the patronage of the supreme Buddhist religious hierarchy, IBC currently has a membership comprising more than 320 organisations, both monastic and lay, in 39 countries.