Oct. 23, 2018

Ministry of Environment launched the “Harit Diwali-Swasth Diwali” campaign to celebrate Diwali in an eco-friendly manner.


  • Background: This campaign was initiated in 2017-18 in northern India wherein large number of school children were advised to celebrate Diwali in an eco-friendly manner by taking pledge to minimize bursting of crackers and gifting plant sapling to their relatives and friends along with sweets.

  • Impact: The above campaign was extremely successful and the air quality had not deteriorated post Diwali in 2017 unlike what was experienced in 2016.

  • Changes this year:
    • On the above lines, the Ministry has initiated the similar campaign, but this year the campaign has been extended Pan-India.

    • The “Harit Diwali-Swasth Diwali” campaign is now merged with “Green Good Deed” movement that has been initiated as a social mobilization for conservation and protection of environment.

Source : PIB