Sept. 9, 2021

The prolonged closure of primary and upper primary schools since the onset of the pandemic has led to “catastrophic consequences” for school students, says The ‘Emergency Report on School Education’.


  • It says that only 8% of school students in rural India have been able to access online education, while at least 37% have stopped studying altogether.

  • Reach of online education is very limited: the proportion of schoolchildren who were studying online “regularly” was just 24% and 8% in urban and rural areas respectively. One reason for this is that many sample households (about half in rural areas) have no smartphone.

  • Dalit and Adivasi children were at a greater disadvantage as a mere 5% of the children from these groups had access to online classes.

  • Access to online education among students in those houses with smartphones is also handicapped by the fact that the smartphones are mainly used by the working adults who are not always able to share the gadgets with the children at home.

  • In addition to education, the closure affected the level of nutrition among the children in rural schools where the midday meals have been stopped.

Source : The Hindu

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