Jan. 2, 2019

India and Pakistan exchanged lists of prisoners (who have completed terms) on January 1, 2019, as part of a 2008 agreement.


  • Under the Agreement on consular access between the Government of Pakistan and India. 2008, the two countries to exchange “list of the nationals – Civilian prisoners and fishermen – of the other country under its arrest/detention” on January 1 and July 1 each year.

  • Pakistan prisoners in India: 249 civilian prisoners and 98 fishermen.

  • Indian prisoners in Pakistan: 54 civilian and 483 fishermen.

  • However, Kulbhushan Jadhav, arguably the most famous prisoner, does not figure in the list. This is because Pakistan believes that he is neither within the category of “civilian prisoners” nor “fishermen” – the two types of jailed citizens for which the neighbours exchange lists.

  • The exchange of lists comes despite continued military tension, which has, however, not dampened humanitarian moves by both sides.

Source : The Hindu