Sept. 23, 2020

Lok Sabha passed the Industrial Relations Code, 2020.

Efforts made by the Government under the code for quickly resolving disputes of the workers are:

  • Provision for two members instead of one member in the Industrial Tribunal. In case of absence of one member, work can still be undertaken smoothly.

  • Provision for taking the matter straight to the Tribunal in case the dispute is not resolved at conciliation stage. At present, the case is referred to the Tribunal by the appropriate Government.

  • Implementation of award in 30 days after Tribunal award.

  • After recognition of Fixed Term Employment, workers will get the option of Fixed Term Employment instead of contract labour. Under this, they would get benefits of hours of work, salary, social security and other welfare benefits like a Regular Employee.

  • With the objective of better and effective participation of Trade Unions, a provision for “Negotiating Union” and “Negotiating Council” has been made for undertaking negotiation on any dispute.

  • Provision has been made for giving recognition to Trade Unions at Central and State level. This recognition has been given in the labour laws for the first time and after this recognition, Trade Unions would be able to contribute more affirmatively and more effectively at the Central and State level.

  • Provision for RE-Skilling fund has been made in the law for the first time. Its aim would be to re-skill those workers who have been fired from their jobs, so that they are easily able to get employment again.