INS Kirpan

June 20, 2023

Recently, India gifted the Corvette INS Kirpan to Vietnam to enhance that country’s naval capabilities.

About INS Kirpan:

  • It is an indigenously-built in-service missile.
  • It is a Khukri class missile corvette commissioned into the Navy on January 12, 1991.
  • It has a displacement displacing capacity of close to 1,400 tonnes.
  • It is capable of a speed of more than 25 knots.
  • The Khukri class are equipped with Diesel Engines assembled in India.
  • The ship is fitted with a medium-range gun, 30 mm close-range guns, chaff launchers, and surface-to-surface missiles.
  • It performs a wide variety of roles, including coastal and offshore patrol, coastal security, surface warfare, anti-piracy, and Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) operations.